Our Resources

Thought Leadership

Annual Malicious Risk Report

Security in Ultra-Luxury Hotels

Primer: Malicious Risks for Senior Executives

Active Assailant Attacks

Insights: Active Assailant Attacks

Briefing: Protect Duty (UK)

Briefing: Protect Duty (USA)

Briefing: Protect Duty considerations for Business

The Domino Effect


Insights: 100 Days Later


Insights: In the eye of the Storm


Probable Maximum Loss

Information: Probable Maximum Loss (PML) Studies


Malicious Bites

Luxury Hotel Brands: Keeping Guests Safe

Chris Holt, CEO of CHC Global and Ben Hawkins, Director of our Advisory Practice, chat about our work with luxury hotel brands. Find out what new trends in travel mean for keeping guests safe, the global threats that we see emerging and why we find this sector so rewarding and fascinating to work in. The podcast also includes suggestions on conversations General Managers and Vice-Presidents should be having, together with the questions they may want to pose one another. Listen on:




Terrorism Insurance

Do you know if terrorism insurance is something you should be considering for your business? If the answer to this question stumps you, then why not listen to our latest podcast where our terrorism experts Chris and Kelly explain more about terrorism insurance and current market trends. Listen on:




Figen Murray Discusses #1

Figen Murray OBE is a campaigner and a driving force behind the Protect Duty, one of the most significant piece of legislation that will impact public safety and security in the UK. In the summer of 2022 CHC Global accompanied Figen Murray on a trip to Washington DC. In this the first of three recordings we hear Figen in discussion with Bill Braniff, Director of The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Reponses to Terrorism (START). Listen on:




Figen Murray Discusses #2

Figen Murray OBE is a campaigner and a driving force behind the Protect Duty, one of the most significant pieces of legislation that will impact public safety and security in the UK. In the summer of 2022 CHC Global accompanied Figen Murray on a trip to Washington DC. In this the second of three recordings we hear Figen take part in a Question and Answer Session with staff and guests at The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Reponses to Terrorism (START). Listen on:




Figen Murray Discusses #3

Figen Murray OBE is a campaigner and a driving force behind the Protect Duty, one of the most significant pieces of legislation that will impact public safety and security in the UK. In the summer of 2022 CHC Global accompanied Figen Murray on a trip to Washington DC. In this the last of our recordings Figen provides an overview of her thesis and her campaigning work. Listen on:




Security and Residencies


About CHC Global

Hear from our Chief Executive, Chris Holt MBE. Find out more about our work as Independent Malicious Risk Advisors and how we work alongside our clients.

What makes us different?

Find out about our investment in real experts and advanced technology, and how this allows us to offer a genuinely different set of services to our clients.

What are Malicious Risks?

CHC Global are malicious risk advisors, but what do we mean by malicious risks? Our CEO, Chris Holt MBE, defines malicious risks and explains why risk governance is becoming increasingly important for business leaders, wherever they operate in the world.

Terrorism and The Increasingly Complex World

We live and work in an increasingly complex world, find out why in this short video from our CEO, Chris Holt. Chris explains the impact global changes have had on terrorism, and how we work with our clients, providing them with the confidence to operate safely and meet their duty of care obligations, wherever they are in the world.

CHC Global: Why brokers choose us

Find out why insurance brokers around the globe choose to work with CHC Global

CHC Global, Our Clients

Jerry Smith, Head of Advisory talks about the types of organisation, both at home and overseas, that seek advice and guidance from CHC Global on how to better understand and manage their complex malicious risk exposures.

The CHC Global Team

In this short video, Jerry Smith, Head of Advisory, talks about the talent and expertise within CHC Global; how the broad capability across the business coupled with the deep expertise of individuals allows the CHC team to support clients across a range of malicious risk management issues.

Jerry Smith, Head of Advisory

Jerry Smith OBE Head of Advisory at CHC Global talks about his broad experience in malicious risk management. From being an officer in the British Army and working at Porton Down to becoming a chemical weapons inspector, war crimes investigator and working for the UN.

Malicious Risks and Issues for Business

Watch this short video to find out more about the types of malicious risks that businesses are facing, and the resulting issues that may need addressing.

Probable Maximum Loss (PML) Studies

Find out more about our PML studies and how this 360 degree view of malicious risks helps our clients make informed decisions in this complex field of risk management.

Expertise Independence Integrity Discretion Respect Loyalty

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